A M P L I F Y 

A subtle to structural business mastery ecosystem
(curriculum x live group sessions x mastermind)

Amplify the genius, impact and potency of your life’s work from the seat of peace, power, playfulness and prosperity

You are here to proliferate the depth, breadth and width at which God Essence penetrates the collective field through your Being, Artistry and Business
Create the container and capacity to let the brilliance of your blueprint ripple out
(co)Create with the frequency of Amplify and expand that context of business into Legacy

Five Months of Business Mastery
Cohort Begins 08.01.23

Not just another program

Amplify is designed as an ecosystem that sees and supports the intricacies, depths and dimensions of you (a whole human being) as an entrepreneur and your vision - expressed through the vehicle of your business

Four Initiatory Pillars

  • One: Foundations & Frequency

    Experience the contextual expansion of your business into Legacy, cultivate the relational root-system of your business, connect with the essence and frequency of your business, and elevate your leadership to hold the magnitude of your mission

  • Two: Clarity & Coherence

    Alchemize resistance into relationship to create a foundation of safety that allows you to transcend the illusions of lack, limitation and patterns of distortion. Deepen the level of intimacy you have with your blueprint as you liberate your life-force, leadership and Legacy through the refinement of your vision and create essential coherence and connective tissue with your mission

  • Three: Architecture & Discipline

    Tap in, SelfSource and curate your business ecosystem through a bespoke strategic and structural integrity that creates direction and an intentional container through which to deliver your genius and impact your people - think aligned business logistics, offer(s)/offer suite and sales processes

  • Four: Artistry & Devotion

    Experience your business as play, unlock the depth, dimension and range of your expression, and develop the tangible aspects of your brand that allow you to weave worlds, start movements and connect with your ideal clients - think messaging, visual/experiential brand essence + media mastery

(co)Create with the frequency of Amplify

Note: Creating access to Amplify is a priority - if an extended payment plan would allow you to say yes from a safe and regulated nervous system please email [email protected] to inquire

By purchasing access to Amplify you are agreeing to the Terms of Service

Inside of Amplify

  • Curriculum

    Emerge from four months / four pillars feeling deeply anchored in your vision/artistry, leadership and business mastery, knowing you have the skillsets to hold the magnitude of your mission going forward

  • Live Sessions

    Receive one-on-one support during twice monthly live group sessions, as you integrate, apply and master all facets; subtle to structural, of your leadership and business artistry

  • Extended Mastermind

    Be supported and step into leadership, shoulder to shoulder inside of a private Amplify channel over five months (an extra month beyond the curriculum) to fully integrate and embody what you've learned