The Frequency-First Foundations experience is you in a mastery relationship with energetic literacy and hygiene, devotion and discipleship to your Self & Mission, and putting into practice the high level embodiment, multidimensional maturity and Coherence of the Creator and wayshower you were divinely destined to be

You know that who you are and how you hold yourself - your Coherence - is felt far before it is seen or heard, and you are devoted to being the emanation of your brilliance

The Disciple

Words by L

"The Disciple was an empowering, heart-opening and enlivening experience. My relationship to discipline is transforming and my resistance and apathy to structure within my devotion to my mission is melting away. Also I have a new level of hope regarding healing the burnout I've experience in the past and am still recovering from as I use these tools to fortify and restore my nervous system window of tolerance, building trust in my capacity to hold life again. Kelsey energy is safe and inspiring and her embodied wisdom and knowledge is delivered with such clarity and coherence."


Words by M.A.

"I really enjoyed the course. I loved how bite sized and digestible the content was. I've been studying energetic for a while, but your course helped me to understand on a different level."