A new model for mentorship is here; liberated from the limitations of time and space, accessing and activating new depths through the sound and frequency of the voice. 

Fortify is your place to land and to launch from — stabilizing, enlivening and empowering. You’re on the edge of a new octave, ready to say YES and be supported and in your body as you expand your vision, your capacity and your leadership. It’s your invitation to be fully invested in yourself and your potential, fiercely loved, held and emboldened as you lead yourself in raising and embodying a new standard and unlocking an expanded reality. 

You'll have access to 30 days of multidimensional, intimate and intentional mentorship and guidance over Voxer*. Fortify connects you to an anything goes (for real… lay it all on the table), as and when you need it, space where you are supported as you lead yourself through this 4 week season. Whether you’re meeting a new edge, unveiling a new business or offer, or working on stabilizing your current reality, Fortify is a brilliant, high proximity, short but powerful container to accompany you through your current season. 

Conversations, Uplevels & Potentialities

The fluid nature of this container allows you to bring your most honest and pertinent things to the table

  • Cleaning up your field, navigating boundaries & refining/coming into energetic mastery

  • Supporting your body and calibrating your nervous system to hold new octaves of reality

  • Launch, development and refinement of your mission, contribution and Legacy

  • Amplified capacity to hold wealth, resource and responsibility

  • Calibrating to high-level vision-holding + gold standard embodiment

  • Space holding and a safe environment to be seen, heard and held


* VOXER is an online voice note & text platform that facilitates real-time conversation and connection